Feel free to get to know me a little more by listening to my podcast interview here.
Introductory session
This is a favorite amongst my new clients. I take a look at your energy in a 3 part sequence. The first section of reading involves what I call a rose reading. I take a look at the current energy of your body in a rose, metaphorically. I see each part of the rose in you, including the blossom and buds, the stem, the leaves, etc. The rose will show me how you communicate, what type of growth period you are in and how many significant agreements you have with other souls. The second part of reading, entails me looking into a past life to help me understand what it means for you in this lifetime. Oftentimes, what happened in a prior life whether it’s unfinished business or something we never quite got over can allow us a new opportunity in this lifetime to fulfill our goals. Even if you do not believe in them, that is okay, it still helps me to understand where you are today. The third part of the reading entails me looking at the 7 layers of your aura. Each aura layer represents certain aspects of your personality and how you make your way through the world. It also allows me to see how you are beautifully connected to your own spirit guides. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes during these readings a past loved one might come through and want to connect with you. What to expect during and after a session During the session you will feel a lightheartedness and a fun way spirit shows you certain aspects about who you are. It doesn’t happen always, but sometimes during a session a past loved one likes to say hello, to let you know they are still part of your journey. I only work with the highest vibration of love to be shared. For the session I ask that you find a quiet place to sit where you will be uninterrupted. You are more than welcome to take notes if you want to write some things down that are significant to you. After the session you will feel happy and reminded just how connected you are to your beautiful higher self. PRICING
$65 Special for 1 hour Introductory Session $85 for all 1 hour sessions after |
What is Advanced Intuitive Healing?
Most times after the first initial reading, I have a client ask me what will the next one be like? This session will mainly focus on reading your aura layers again and where you are currently in the moment. Although, I like to allow this session to be a more free flowing exchange between any information that is important to share with clients and what is important for them to know. If you are at a crossroads or are feeling lost and want to feel a little extra reassurance from your spirit guides /your higher self, this is a good reading to have. My goal is to not tell you what to do, but to remind you of your own beautiful and unconditionally loving wisdom, which helps guide you into your next steps. It doesn't always happen, but sometimes during these readings a past loved one might come through and want to connect with you. PRICING $85 for 1 hour $130 for 1.5 hour |
Medium Reading

Marigold Medium Reading
I have had the beautiful honor and pleasure over the last year of working with many of my clients passed loved ones coming through. I felt it was time to offer a full hour devoted to those who would like to spend the majority of their reading connecting with loved one’s messages. I am happy to share a lot of the messages that come through are very healing. It has been my experience in many of my readings, that sometimes loved ones were not able to say things while they were physically here or give my client what they needed to hear. However, once they have crossed over, they are in a much more understanding, conscious and expansive state. So they now, truly want my clients to know that they are indeed okay and not suffering nor do they want my client to suffer anymore. Most importantly, they want my client to live a life for what feels true and authentic to themselves. There is a beautiful gift and renewed sense of freedom for my clients knowing their passed loved ones do not want them to carry any feelings of burden nor guilt. They are free to continue on with their lives in the true happiness they deserve, all the while knowing, those that have passed, are now at peace.
I have had the beautiful honor and pleasure over the last year of working with many of my clients passed loved ones coming through. I felt it was time to offer a full hour devoted to those who would like to spend the majority of their reading connecting with loved one’s messages. I am happy to share a lot of the messages that come through are very healing. It has been my experience in many of my readings, that sometimes loved ones were not able to say things while they were physically here or give my client what they needed to hear. However, once they have crossed over, they are in a much more understanding, conscious and expansive state. So they now, truly want my clients to know that they are indeed okay and not suffering nor do they want my client to suffer anymore. Most importantly, they want my client to live a life for what feels true and authentic to themselves. There is a beautiful gift and renewed sense of freedom for my clients knowing their passed loved ones do not want them to carry any feelings of burden nor guilt. They are free to continue on with their lives in the true happiness they deserve, all the while knowing, those that have passed, are now at peace.
$95 for 1 hour |
Reiki Healing Session |
What is Reiki?
Reiki is an alternative form of energy healing used by the hands. The word Reiki comes from two Japanese words: Rei and Ki. (Rei: meaning the wisdom of divine and Ki: meaning, universal life force energy). The reiki practitioner gently places their hands on or above the patient’s body helping to restore any energy imbalances that might be causing discomfort. The beautiful part about reiki is when the practitioner works with this “universal loving energy”, it helps to heal and improve the overall wellness of the patient’s life. It has been known to help reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and speed up healing faster to those recovering from surgery. Reiki helps to activate relaxation in the body and also helps to assist in boosting emotional and physical well being. There is no downside to trying reiki. It is a natural and safe method for improving one’s way of life to a more loving and gentle way of being. I highly recommend you give yourself a chance to experience its wonderful benefits. What to expect during and after a Reiki session? During a reiki session you will feel a wonderful feeling of relaxation and peace. Sometimes clients even report feeling held by something greater, which is the actual essence of love. You may even feel warm or tingling sensations throughout the body, which is energy just moving out fear and allowing the love to flow more. After a reiki session you will feel at peace and much calmer than when you began the session. I often hear clients say I feel like I just had a massage without the actual hand movements of massage but the same level of relaxation and feel so much lighter. I recommend you drink water throughout the day to flush out any old remaining energy and take it easy for the afternoon. Allow the body to process the new, beautiful and nourishing energy throughout the next few days. PRICING
$85 for 1 hour |
What is Energy Clearing?
Energy clearing is a nice way to clear out the stuck energy that often builds up in our chakra system (aka our energy centers). Some days we can take on a lot of stress into our bodies, whether it's from work, news, and even others people’s projections. Sometimes this icky energy finds a way to lodge itself into our precious body, throwing off our natural way of processing life. If we don’t find a way to release it, our system can feel disrupted. This session will allow a gentle release of the stressors. What to expect during and after a session I will take a look at where within your body is imbalanced physically and emotionally. Depending on what I see, I will begin a gentle and guided meditation to move out the stuck energy with the power of channeled love coming through my voice. I will work with your guides and mine, to release any unnecessary held energy and help you feel safe and comforted with the love of the divine. After the session, you will feel much more lighter, loving and at peace. You will begin to trust your own intuitive guidance as well. PRICING
$75 for 1 hour |
Marisa’s services are here to help support your personal growth. When you book a session with her, you understand and agree that Marisa is not a medical professional. Any advice or insight that may be given during a session is intended to offer genuine love and support to a client’s life. Clients accept their own responsibility and do not hold Marisa accountable for any actions or decisions that may result in any claims after sessions. Namaste

*All payments can made directly to my Venmo account listed here.
*Prices are subject to change.